Extrusion History
Aluminum Profile extrusion is a process to give cross functional
shapes by forcing through a die. The process is applied in many unique ways
since its early beginnings more than hundred years ago. Aluminum extrusion is
used in creation of pipes, profiles and wires to Construction applications mainly
and is the core practice in shaping aluminum products.
In 1797 the first extrusion process was patented for making lead pipes,
which was done with manual human labor until hydraulic powered press was
introduced in 1820. During the end of 19
th century, extrusion
methods also started using in for copper and brass alloys, but the application
and uniqueness of
extrusion remained same.
Aluminum Extrusion History |
Aluminum is relatively young as compared to other metals like copper,
bronze, iron and steel, which have been in use for thousands of years. In 1807
aluminum was declared as an element metal. Aluminum was considered as luxurious
metal when first refined in 1825, which was more expensive than gold. With the
invention of smelting process by Hall and Heroult, that the silvery metal
became affordable for day to day purposes in late 1880. The initial working
processes consisted of rolling, casting, and forging.